RE:TREAT | The Power of Breath - Pranayama: Science & Practice
Stephanie Smith

The Power of Breath - Pranayama: Science & Practice with Stephanie Smith (EN)

SUN 15.10., 22.10., 29.10., 05.11., 29.11.2023 | 06:00 - 08:00 pm @ RE:TREAT

Auf einen Blick

What is Pranayama

The autonomic nervous system is directly influenced by the way we breath. These breathing techniques developed by yogic masters, allow the human to come into direct contact with the internal mechanisms of the body, otherwise impossible to reach, thus empowering the human to willfully influence the nervous system, direct energy flow, and focus on the mind.
The breath plays a central role in practicing any form of yoga. Pranayama is considered the “Maha Yoga” or main/most important yoga in ancient yogic traditions.
In this class you will get to know your five bodies as explained in the Siddha Yoga Tradition: the physical body (annamaya kosha), energetic/emotional/vital body (pranamaya kosha), mental body (manomaya kosha), intuitive/wisedom body (vijnanamaya kosha) and infinite soul body (anandamaya kosa).
You will explore your own anatomy and physiology within the context of highly-effective yogic breathing techniques. Through scientific theory and group practice, you will engage in a form of self-discovery in a small-group setting.

Pranayama Course Structure

The pranayama courses are taught in a consecutive manner – each module building on the previous one.
Once students finish Level 1 (5 modules), they continue to level 2 (5 modules) and then level 3 (5 modules).
Some of the techniques are basic pranayama techniques, which can be found in many traditions while others are further-developed unique techniques based on physiological understanding and exploration, which can only be found in this series.

Course Overview & Content

Level 1 (5 Modules)


Modul 1 – 15.10.23

  • Introduction to Pranayama
  • Theory: Lungs & Respiratory Center
  • Practice: Yogi Breath / “Nauli (“Wave”) + Ujai Pranayama with Nauli
Modul 2 – 22.10.23
  • Theory & Practice: 7 Purification Pranayama
Modul 3 – 29.10.23
  • Theory: The nose, the brain and the Nadis
  • Practice: Nadi Shodhana
Modul 4 – 5.11.
  • Theory: Circulatory System & Lungs, Heart, Brain
  • Practice: Coherant Breathing + Matreika Pranayama
Modul 5 – 19.11.23
  • Fountain of Youth Breath Technique
  • Practice: 1:0:2:0 Ujai Pranayama

About Stephanie Smith

“The Breath is the Bridge to the Soul”
Stephanie is a yoga teacher (Yin Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga), pranayama, breath therapist, intuitive energetic therapist, meditation guide, singer and artist.
Stephanie specializes in teaching in-depth pranayama courses and working with yoga and breathwork in a therapeutic manner.
At her classes, Stephanie creates safe and nurturing spaces for personal transformation to take place. Her passion is to support individuals to embrace all aspects of themselves, connect to their true divine natures and learn how to integrate this into their daily lives.

About OmSpiriTri

OmSpiriTri is a growing community of people around the world seeking greater awareness of their personal truth and divine connection via various modalities stemming from Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, compassion and genuine self-reflection.
Stephanie founded “OmSpiriTri” inspired by the calling to create safe and honest spaces for people to get in touch with their inner truth.
Our natural state is that of “Sat Chit Ananda” (the blissful state of conscious existence), but through the sticky jungle of Maya, we often lose ourselves. OmSpiriTri is here to help everyone make their way back home regardless of which religion one follows.
It’s simply about getting in touch with your personal inner truth: and that inner truth leads you home



15.10., 22.10., 29.10., 05.11., 29.11.2023
06:00 – 08:00 pm




Price for 5 modules
€ 240


Über Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith (EN)

Spezialisiert auf: Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Hatha basics, Pranayama und Breathwork

Mantra: Breathe, feel, embrace.

Zum Steckbrief


Relax and the City: Wir kommen runter mit ruhigen Yogastilen, Klängen, Entspannungsübungen und Massagetechniken. Für alle, die sich zum Feierabend bewegen und gleichzeitig entspannen wollen.

Inspired by Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meridian Yoga, Qi Gong, Nuad, und Klangschalenmassage.

Zum Steckbrief

Stephanie Smith (EN)

Spezialisiert auf: Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Hatha basics, Pranayama und Breathwork

Mantra: Breathe, feel, embrace.

Zum Steckbrief


Relax and the City: Wir kommen runter mit ruhigen Yogastilen, Klängen, Entspannungsübungen und Massagetechniken. Für alle, die sich zum Feierabend bewegen und gleichzeitig entspannen wollen.

Inspired by Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meridian Yoga, Qi Gong, Nuad, und Klangschalenmassage.

Zum Steckbrief

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