RE:TREAT | Portugal Yoga Meditation Retreat mit Giulia
Casa Volta Potugal

RE:TREAT - The Power House Retreat Portugal *SPRING 2025* with Giulia (EN)

26.04. - 01.05.2025 | 5 Nächte - 6 Tage | im Alentejo Portugal


Über das Retreat

The Powerhouse Retreat is a one-of-a-kind experience that combines yoga, meditation, and breathwork with deep inner work and transformative self-development exercises. Here you will be introduced to the transformative techniques of the Powerhouse Series, developed by Giulia over recent years. She will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, integrating both body and mind.


Think of your body as a house, a reservoir of your energy. Often, we find ourselves giving away too much of this energy—to our families, partners, work, or children. Sometimes, unexpected challenges like illness, separation, or significant life changes drain us completely. At first, this might leave us feeling frustrated, asking ourselves: How did this happen? Why me? What did I do wrong? In blaming ourselves, we exhaust the last remnants of our energy, diminishing our confidence and self-worth. This is usually when we hit rock bottom and realize that something needs to change. Does this sound familiar?

The Powerhouse Series offers tools to help you rise above these challenges and become your own Power House.

We’ll start by releasing all the frustration, anger, and sadness to establish a neutral foundation—the ground floor of your Power House. Next, we’ll focus on regaining your strength, building the first floor. Finally, we’ll work on maintaining your energy and setting boundaries—this is the roof, designed to protect and preserve your energy.

During the retreat, you’ll uncover where your energy goes, what depletes it, and what replenishes it, helping you find the right balance. You’ll delve deep into bodily sensations and breathwork, while also transforming your mindset. Casa de Volta, the retreat house, offers a magical setting, perfect for this profound inner work. Far removed from the distractions of daily life, you’ll be surrounded by the serenity of nature.

Was dich erwartet - unser Programm

Styles: Somatic Movement Flow, Yoga Therapy, Restorative & Yin Yoga, Kundalini & Buddhist Meditation, Manifestation Visualizations, Journaling, 

Skill level: Beginner & Intermediate

Language: English (we also speak German & Italian)

Special Events: Opening Ceremony, Morning & Evening Yoga & Meditation Sessions, Journaling, Guided Meditation & Manifestation Sessions, Evening Rituals, Day of Silence

Yoga Mats: We will provide yoga mats for you! You don’t have to bring your own.

Maximum Number of participants: 10


Saturday 26th of April until Thursday 1st of May 2025

*please understand that the schedule is subject to change – thank you for your understanding

26. April – Saturday:

02:00-05:00 pm: Check-in

05:00-07:00 pm: Opening Circle

07:00 pm: Welcome Dinner 

27. April – Sunday:

07:30 – 09:00 am: Ground Floor: Releasing Kundalini Meditation & Yoga Therapy Core Activation

09:00 -11:00 am: Nutritious Breakfast (vegetarian &vegan)

10:30 am – 04:30 pm: Free time

05:00-06:30 pm: Ground Floor: Relaxing Yoga & Breathwork, Journaling, Guided Meditation & Manifestation

07:00 pm: Dinner 

09:00-09:30 pm: Evening Ritual

28. April – Monday: 

07:30 – 09:00 am: Ground Floor: Activating Breathwork, Manifestation Meditation, Somatic Movement 

09:00-11:00 am: Nutritious Breakfast (vegetarian &vegan)
11:00-05:00 pm: Free Time

05:00-06:30 pm: First Floor: Buddhist Meditation & Yoga Sleep

07:00 pm: Wholesome Dinners  (vegetarian/vegan)

09:00-09:30 pm: Evening Ritual

29. April – Tuesday:

07:30 – 08:00 am: First Floor: Silent Day Opening

08:00 – 09:00 am: First Floor: Strengthening Core Movement, Visualization and Affirmation Meditation

09:00-11:00 am: Nutritious Breakfast (vegetarian &vegan)

11:00-05:30 pm: Free Time

05:30-06:30 pm: First Floor: Somatic Ecstatic Trance

07:00 pm: Wholesome Dinners  (vegetarian/vegan)

09:00-09:30 pm: Evening Ritual

30. April – Wednesday:

07:30 – 09:00 am: Roof: Kundalini Meditation, Visualization and Affirmation Meditation, Somatic Movement

09:00-11:00 am: Nutritious Breakfast (vegetarian &vegan)

11:00-05:00 pm: Free Time

05:00-06:30 pm: Roof: Relaxing Breathwork & Yin Yoga

07:00 pm: Wholesome Dinners  (vegetarian/vegan)

09:00-10:00 pm: Closing Ceremony

01. May – Thursday:

07:00-7:30 am: Visualization and Affirmation Meditation

07:30-08:30 am: Nutritious Breakfast (vegetarian &vegan)

10.00 am: Check-out




SA 26.04. – DO 01.05.2025
5 Nächte – 6 Tage



Casa da Volta

Alentejo | Portugal

Was ist inkludiert

WHAT’S INCLUDED 26.4.-01.05 5 nights 6 days

8 x Powerhouse Classes

5 x Nights Accommodation 

5 x Nutritious Breakfasts (vegetarian/vegan)

5 x Wholesome Dinners  (vegetarian/vegan)

1 x Opening Circle

1 x Closing Ceremony

3 x Evening Rituals

1 x Silent Day

1 x The Powerhouse Goodie-bag


Stornobedingungen: siehe Reisigo

Anmeldung Retreat

Über Giulia

Giulia Tamiazzo (DE)

Inhaberin & Studioleitung 

Spezialisiert auf: Therapeutisches Yoga, Yin, Mindfulness/Insight Meditation

Mantra: Be the change you wish to see. (Gandhi)


The Power House Workshop Series mit Giulia (EN)

SA 19.10 14 – 21 Uhr SO 20.10. 10:30 – 14:30  | € 220
Early Bird bis 31.9. > € 190 (auf EN)
Lerne Frust und Ärger abzubauen, Resilienz zu stärken und Grenzen zu setzen. Es wird ein magisches Wochenende! Erlebe Somatic Ecstatic Dance, eine Meditations Experience (BLACK) mit Visuals und Essential Oils sowie andere spezielle Formate exklusiv entwickelt für die Power House Serie.


Giulia Tamiazzo (DE)

Inhaberin & Studioleitung 

Spezialisiert auf: Therapeutisches Yoga, Yin, Mindfulness/Insight Meditation

Mantra: Be the change you wish to see. (Gandhi)


The Power House Workshop Series mit Giulia (EN)

SA 19.10 14 – 21 Uhr SO 20.10. 10:30 – 14:30  | € 220
Early Bird bis 31.9. > € 190 (auf EN)
Lerne Frust und Ärger abzubauen, Resilienz zu stärken und Grenzen zu setzen. Es wird ein magisches Wochenende! Erlebe Somatic Ecstatic Dance, eine Meditations Experience (BLACK) mit Visuals und Essential Oils sowie andere spezielle Formate exklusiv entwickelt für die Power House Serie.


Kurse für Alle.
Kurse für dich.


Yoga für alle: Wir gehen es sanft an. Auf dem Programm stehen Atemübungen, Körperhaltung und Unterstützung nach Verletzungen.
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Relax and the City: Runterkommen mit ruhigen Yogastilen, Klängen, Entspannungsübungen und Massagetechniken.
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Anti-Stress Kit: Wir zeigen Dir mehrere Meditationstechniken, damit Du jederzeit und überall die Ruhe wiederfindest.
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Power to the People: Schüttel Dir den Stress vom Leib. Das Motto: Auspowern mit dynamischen Yoga-Stilen.

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Yoga für alle: Wir gehen es sanft an. Auf dem Programm stehen Atemübungen, Körperhaltung und Unterstützung nach Verletzungen.
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Relax and the City: Runterkommen mit ruhigen Yogastilen, Klängen, Entspannungsübungen und Massagetechniken.
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Anti-Stress Kit: Wir zeigen Dir mehrere Meditationstechniken, damit Du jederzeit und überall die Ruhe wiederfindest.
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Power to the People: Schüttel Dir den Stress vom Leib. Das Motto: Auspowern mit dynamischen Yoga-Stilen.

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