RE:TREAT | Schleupner Inside Flow, Yin Yoga & Autogenic Training Teacher

Ricarda Schleupner (DE/EN)


Hi, I am Ricarda!

My Mantra

The universe never says “no”, but only “not yet” or “wait – something better is coming”.

Favorite Food

green comfort food.

Yoga, because...

it is a wonderful way to combine mindfulness and movement to feel yourself and to heal and nourish body and mind. A practice of self-care and balance.

Specialised in

Inside Flow, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation & Mindfulness, somatic work.

Most important decision

Moving to Vienna.


I am a psychologist specialised in holistic (women’s) health and I love supporting women in obtaining a healthy cycle, sleep, relaxation, nutrition, and more. I have been teaching dance and fitness classes for 10+ years. Since I started teaching yoga in 2022, I have discovered my love for combining my strengths from different areas and incorporating them into my teaching.


Trainings: 500+ h Yoga training at Inside Yoga Studio, Balance Yoga Studio (Frankfurt a. M.) & RE:TREAT incl.

– 50 h Inside Flow
– 100 h Yin Yoga
– 50 h Pre- and Postnatalyoga
– 100 h Personal Training

– 30 h Merdian Yin Yoga
Trainer for Autogenic Training & Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Classes and Events with Ricarda


Power to the People: Shake off your stress. We power out with dynamic styles of yoga. Keep it moving!
Level 1: for Yoga-Routiniers | Level 2: for Yoga-Junkies.

Inspired by Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Prana Flow, Feet-up Flow, Inside Flow, Budokon Yoga and Dance.


Relax and the City: we come down with calm yoga styles, relaxation exercises and massage techniques. For those who want to exercise and relax at the same time for the end of the day.

Inspired by Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meridian Yoga, Qi Gong, Nuad, and Singing Bowl Massage.


Mix it up: the perfect blend of active and quiet yoga styles with meditation. All our formats flow into a special class, each time based on a new theme. For those seeking balance between power/activity (yang) and rest/passivity (yin).

Inspired by Yin&Yang, Flow&Slow, Sthira Sukham Asanam


Power to the People: Shake off your stress. We power out with dynamic styles of yoga. Keep it moving!
Level 1: for Yoga-Routiniers | Level 2: for Yoga-Junkies.

Inspired by Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Prana Flow, Feet-up Flow, Inside Flow, Budokon Yoga and Dance.


Relax and the City: we come down with calm yoga styles, relaxation exercises and massage techniques. For those who want to exercise and relax at the same time for the end of the day.

Inspired by Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meridian Yoga, Qi Gong, Nuad, and Singing Bowl Massage.


Mix it up: the perfect blend of active and quiet yoga styles with meditation. All our formats flow into a special class, each time based on a new theme. For those seeking balance between power/activity (yang) and rest/passivity (yin).

Inspired by Yin&Yang, Flow&Slow, Sthira Sukham Asanam

Courses for everyone. Courses for you.


Yoga for all: we take a gentle approach. All RE:START classes include breathing exercises, posture details and we support you after injuries.
Sign up here


Anti-Stress Kit: We show you various meditation techniques while sitting and/or moving. Find peace anytime and anywhere.
Sign up here


Relax and the City: calm down with calm yoga styles, relaxation exercises and massage techniques.
Sign up here


Power to the People: Shake off your stress. We power out with dynamic styles of yoga.
Sign up here


Yoga for all: we take a gentle approach. All RE:START classes include breathing exercises, posture details and we support you after injuries.
Sign up here


Anti-Stress Kit: We show you various meditation techniques while sitting and/or moving. Find peace anytime and anywhere.
Sign up here


Relax and the City: calm down with calm yoga styles, relaxation exercises and massage techniques.
Sign up here


Power to the People: Shake off your stress. We power out with dynamic styles of yoga.
Sign up here