About the event
Like a Sound Bath, a Gong Bath bath bathes you in sound, reaching much deeper layers of the body, psyche and soul. By changing the tones and volume, one is brought into different brainwave states (delta, theta, alpha, beta). This gives everyone a front row seat in the theater of their inner self and soul.
Divided into 45 minute segments separated by moments of total silence / shunya, all levels of being can assimilate what is experienced.
During the half or small Gong Puja, which consists of 5 sections of 45 minutes, everyone is carried away by the sounds and experiences deep relaxation. Body, mind and soul get just what they need.
About Karl Angerer
SAT 05.10.24
07:00 – 09:30 PM
€ 42 before Oct 3, afterwards € 50